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Do you offer editing and proofreading services only for dissertations and theses?
We edit and proofread all academic documents, including books, articles, essays, term papers, masters’ dissertations, PhD theses, transfer reports, journal papers and proposals.
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How will your service improve my thesis?
We proofread, edit, and correct all spelling, punctuation, grammar errors, and typos. We also copyedit your text for clarity, organization, development of ideas, and diction. Depending on which service you choose, we edit the document and provide suggestions for overall improvement.
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When should I choose editing, proofreading and ESL editing service?
You can decide on the service basis your requirement. If you are a Native English writer, however, writing for the first time, we recommend editing service. If you are an experienced writer, proofreading may be more suitable. However, if you are an ESL candidate, select ESL editing service. Proofreading is the basic service which removes grammar and spell errors, editing service includes proofreading and helps looks into clarity, transition while ESL editing overhauls the document to make it publish worthy.
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What if I am not satisfied with your editing work?
You can send us back the document, with your comments, or the reviewer’s feedback. We will consider the same and do a second round of editing. Our work is not finished until you are satisfied.
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Do you send in the edited file on Sundays?
No, we work from Mondays to Saturdays and hence no work is delivered on Sundays.
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How will the edited file look like?
The editing of your document is done with track changes mode in Microsoft Word. Hence, the edited file will show you the changes in right side of word document of all the changes our editors have done. You can also see the suggestions posted by our editors for overall improvement of the document.
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How can I remove the track changes version of the file to a cleaned up version?
In MS Word (2007 onwards) document, you need to go to the review tab, go to accept button and from the drop down menu, select, accept all changes. Once you select this option, your document will be cleaned up with just the suggestions/comments remaining. You will have to delete the comments/suggestions individually. However, we provide two copies of your document: one in track changes mode and the other a clean copy under which all changes are accepted.
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Will I get a refund if my work does not pass the review?
No, the appraisal of a research work is subjective. Your review committee may not have the same views and judge the work differently. We ensure that there are no language and presentation errors, but are not responsible for the contents of your dissertation/thesis.